Luckily, the state of Florida provides a wealth of information to help you choose where to study and what to major in.
Before shelling out tons of money for a diploma that’s worth little, check out places likeBeyondEducation.org, CollegeMeasures.org or FloridaShines.org. The websites pull state data about colleges, universities and the labor market to help students make better decisions about their higher ed careers.
The differences in earning potential and job opportunities among degree types and fields of study can be surprising, said Troy Miller, associate director for research and policy at theFlorida College Access Network.
“Not all credentials pay the same,” Miller wrote in an email. “Students and their families should know how much they’re likely to earn before making their plans.”
Here are five things we bet you didn’t know about getting a post-secondary credential – and a job – in the Sunshine State. (Most of these figures come from a December 2015 Economic Security Report by American Institutes for Research, an organization that works with state agencies to analyze data.)