As the Corporate Programs Coordinator for the Lutgert College of Business at Florida Gulf Coast University Tifarah Pardue works on talent initiatives across the university as well as directly with students and leading local and national employers. As a part of her role, she also works to develop resources and programs that connect students with employers and helps prepare students for interviews with high quality employers in our region and across the country. “It can be extremely intimidating for someone to start applying for positions, there is a lot that goes into an interview and application that isn’t covered in text books and is largely invisible. My role acts as a bridge that allows students to better cross over from the academic world to the world of business.”
As a part of her work with FutureMakers she also co-chairs the Work-Based Learning Committee. This committee has members from across the region working to increase awareness about the various careers that are booming in SWFL. Students at all levels can begin to learn more about these professions and how they can gain access to quality employment opportunities. She and her husband relocated here from Arizona 8 years ago and have an 5 year old daughter. In addition to being a FutureMaker and working mom, Tifarah Pardue is also a student. She is currently pursuing her Ed.D. at Florida Gulf Coast University with plans to study workforce development trends as well as graduate employability factors. She received her M.A. from Colorado State University in English and worked previously as a composition instructor before turning her attention to community outreach, fundraising, and program development work over the last decade.