FutureMakers Partner Spotlight:
Nicole King-Smith, Ph.D
Upcoming FutureMakers Events
Courageous Conversations
Being part of our Equity conversations is a great way to engage with other FutureMakers in your community and learn about the effects of racism in our region. Learn more about these conversations by watching the recording of our most recent virtual conversation here .
Small Business Financial Outcomes During the Onset of COVID-19
In the weeks following the mandatory stay-at-home order that was put in place for states all over the country, people with nonessential jobs were unable to work and small businesses were closing. The businesses that were unable to reduce expenses facing the loss in revenue were adversely affected and forced to temporarily shut down. JPMorgan Chase & Co. conducted research on the economic downturn faced by many small businesses in America; four main findings regarding the financial health of these businesses are highlighted in this article, showing that small businesses throughout the country have been negatively affected by COVID-19.
Looking for something to watch?
This Netflix film explores the history of slavery and racial inequality in the United States. Although the 13 th amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery, there is a loophole within the amendment that legalizes forced labor as punishment of a crime. This documentary examines the effects this provision has had on people of color and how it has led to an unjust legal system.
What We Are Reading
Career Services that Students, and Employers, Need
Providing students with information they need about jobs, network access, résumé evaluation, and other services is incredibly important. The University of Maryland Global Campus has implemented these services into a program that could be very beneficial for students and their futures.
What Anti-racist Teachers Do Differently
Teacher-student relationships are crucial to children’s success and development. This article examines how anti-racist educators recognize their Black students’ strengths and help them feel valued and recognized in the classroom.